Tuesday, 2 September 2008

How to show technical college coursework and skills on a CV/resume?

Rick asks: I'm completing my degree in Operations Management and Supply Chain, and currently working on my resume. My concentration courses are quite technical (statistics, computer models, etc) and do not really have self-explanatory titles, unless the person who reads my resume has similar technical skills. Should I include a sentence or two to briefly explain what the courses has covered, then add more about what skills I have gained, and finally tell more about the major projects in those course? In other words, what is the best way to present major coursework in college graduates resume? How do I do it, do you know any examples? Thank you!

In answer:
Most post-graduates suffer from relatively short work experience, so they worry about how to write up their CV/resume's.

Honestly, this is not a problem - view your University projects as would a work based resume writing up individual projects done at the place of work, to show case your skills.

For each project state the scope if the title is not 110% obvious (ie - House wife is easier to understand than is Domestic Engineer), the objective and the outcome. If you worked as part of a team, state that and your role/scope/deliverables in the team, and outcome of the team. Keep each project to three lines maximum, with a final dissertation project at double that.

Post-graduates worry about having experience enough to fill two pages - you just have different skills and experience, that's all!

Good luck!

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