Monday, 27 October 2008

The Google CV/Resume – what an employer may find out about you

Having written your CV/Resume, and having sent it off, are you wondering what a future employer may be thinking about you? Well, why not find out first by typing your name into Google – the result is your Google CV or Google Resume

I have written another article here about the pros/cons of an online CV, and the need to tidy up your online profile before applying for any new positions. But a simple test any employer can undertake is to check your Google reputation.

To check your Google CV/Resume, simply tap your name into Google – it is that easy. What comes up – is there anything that might embarrass you, or deter a potential employer from picking up the phone and calling you?

You won’t reach this stage unless your CV/Resume engages them and you get beyond the “thank you for your application” rejection pile, but the same reasons for rejection thought process occurs here. The second stage this task may be undertaken is literally just before an interview – a last minute thing.

No hire/fire decisions will be made on what is found at your Google CV/Resume. But an interview/don’t interview decision could be made, and a few pointers to some great interview questions can be found.

Good Luck!

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