Tuesday, 26 August 2008

How can I pass a six month review evaluation on my new job?

Pamela asks: How can I ace a six month review evaluation on my new job?

In answer:
By starting six months ago with an agreed set of conditions, skills and targets, which over the past six months at each monthly review you have brought up and agreed progress/or not against.

Any professional manager/reviewer worth their salt - and any of them reviewed by an HR manager - will have been keeping a record of your successes and failures: if they haven't then they need to go on a training course for conducting performance reviews. Therefore, you should also go armed with your own record of your own successes that you can refer to.

In either case, ask for and provide feedback on your performance. Explain how it could be better, or why its great. Get an understanding of the expectations of your supervisor. You want to leave the evaluation with a clear path of where you're going in your current role, but also any potential future position.

Be honest with yourself before entering the evaluation. If you know you've slacked off in an area, bring it up. Expose it so your manager knows you're aware of the "problem" and that you're addressing it. We all can't be perfect in all areas, 100% of the time.

Good Luck!

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